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Interactive Database for Minecraft Blocks, Items, Commands, and IDs

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Items Table

Name Item ID Legacy ID Numerical ID
🪨Void Air
🪨Cave Air
🪨Bubble Column
🪨Creeper Spawner
🪨Skeleton Spawner
🪨Spider Spawner
🪨Giant Spawner
🪨Zombie Spawner
🪨Slime Spawner
🪨Ghast Spawner
🪨Pig Zombie Spawner
🪨Enderman Spawner
🪨Cave Spider Spawner
🪨Silverfish Spawner
🪨Blaze Spawner
🪨Magma Cube Spawner
🪨Ender Dragon Spawner
🪨Wither Spawner
🪨Bat Spawner
🪨Witch Spawner
🪨Pig Spawner
🪨Sheep Spawner
🪨Cow Spawner
🪨Chicken Spawner
🪨Squid Spawner